Finding Your Joy

finding joy gratitude happiness Jan 31, 2023

It sounds so elusive.


Joy is something you might experience on a vacation or during a life event. I never imagined I could find it in everyday life. In my mind, there were only a few lucky individuals who felt that level of happiness and delight on a daily basis. I assumed this was just the way it was and I had to live with it.


My belief began to shift when I received a gratitude journal as a gift. To be honest, I never really understood how the practice of gratitude would have an impact on my life. It seemed like a lovely thing to do, list what you’re grateful for each day, but that’s all it was - a nice idea. I decided to embrace the process by answering the prompts in the journal each morning and evening.


Initially, I found it difficult. Sure, I was grateful for my friends, family, home, etc…but I didn’t see the point of listing the same thing in a journal day in and day out. I subconsciously began to search for things I was grateful for throughout the day. I started to notice when the stars were twinkling brightly or when the trees swayed in the breeze of summer. I recognized when a stranger was kind to me or how I felt after sharing a smile with someone else.


My mood shifted as I began to notice the pleasure and beauty of the simple things in life, things that I had always taken for granted. I started planning things I could do each day to bring joy to my life. I realized that it didn’t need to be something unusual or amazing. It just needed to be intentional. I had the ability to create my own joy every day.


I made a list of all the things that brought me joy. My list included dancing, the beach and eating ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. Each morning when filling out my journal, I would decide what I would do today to bring joy to my life. I then made sure to actually do it, even when unforeseen circumstances interrupted my day as they always did. I held myself accountable and continued to fill out my gratitude journal. 


Now, finding joy has become a daily practice. I no longer need to wait for the weekend or a tropical paradise vacation. It was there all along, I just needed to open my eyes and my mind to the wonder and possibilities that are woven into life. My life is forever changed.


Until next time,

Debbie xo


Morning Sprinkles of Goodness: JournalĀ PromptsĀ to create more Joy & Happiness in your life!

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