The Power of Thought
Mar 07, 2023
A couple of weeks ago, I sent my memoir off to 20 Beta readers who were asked to read and review my book by filling out a form. The readers are a variety of friends, acquaintances and strangers. Each day I check to see if any new forms have been added because I’m very anxious to read their comments.
The feedback I received thus far has offered suggestions but had an overall positive tone. That is, until yesterday.
The reader confirmed all my initial fears that I don't know how to write and my first thought was to scrap the idea of publishing the book. I questioned why I even wrote this memoir in the first place.
I then moved on to the idea that I could place some type of disclaimer on the cover that would read: “ Warning-this book was not written by a real writer”. However, that would most likely deter people from reading it. I then had to reel my brain back in and remind myself that the reason I wrote this book was to inspire others to take control of their lives regardless of their circumstances. I can’t help people if I choose to throw my manuscript in the trash.
Instead, I’m working hard at reframing th this particular readers' comments. Some of her comments were certainly constructive and will help me determine which chapters of the book need polishing. This is very helpful and why I asked for beta readers in the first place. The other thing I’m reminding myself is that she is only one person.
Chances are that even after the edits, she might never like the book and that's okay. Not everyone is going to like everything that I do. My memoir is not a literary work of art so anyone in that field will most likely have many reasons to critique my work. I’m just a regular person trying to relay my message in regular words, not win a Pulitzer prize (although I wouldn’t turn it down).
If my memoir can help just one person then it was worth the time and effort. I already have good reason to believe it will, so I have to remind myself that I’m on the right track.
In the span of 10 minutes, my thoughts went from scrapping the book to being excited to get my message out there. Nothing changed in those 10 minutes other than my thoughts. It never ceases to amaze me how our thoughts truly control our lives. If I had stopped at my first thought, the memoir would be history. Instead, I will incorporate suggestions that resonate with me and move forward towards my publication date of August 9, 2023.
Pause for a minute and think back on the last 24 hours. How have your thoughts controlled your actions?
Remember, thoughts are powerful. The good news is that YOU have the power to change them!
Until next time,
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